19th Century Creek Beaded Sash

19th Century Creek Beaded Sash

19th Century Creek Beaded Sash

Circa 1820-1850

This is a very early and rare Creek beaded sash and most likely Muskogee Creek.

These were commonly called a “baldric” as associated with the Scottish sashes that were worn across the chest –  sometimes to hold a bandolier bag, powder horn, sword or as a status symbol of prominent leaders. The sashes were make of cloth – cotton or wool and beaded with intricate designs and along the edge of the main panel and the long numerous fringes. Many of the early Creeks over 250 years ago most likely had Scottish ancestry, especially the chiefs with intermarriage with Scottish traders. The term “baldric” was used in Scotland for the sash that they wore. Various Woodland Tribes of the Southeast such as the Cherokees and Choctaw also wore these prior to their removal.


SKU: mhdah-1-1-1-1

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